Der Schlittelweg ist bis nach Fideris befahrbar. Die Liftanlagen sind geöffnet. Am Mittwoch, dem 12.02.2025 kann es auf Grund eines Events zwischen 09:30 Uhr und 10:30 Uhr zu längeren Wartezeiten an der Fideris Sägerei kommen.

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Our products

Our Products

Our meat

Want to know where the meat on your plate comes from?

We attach great importance to regional and sustainable development. That is why we source our meat from the region, directly from the farmer, so to speak. You’re guaranteed to come across him today, because he works with us in the wintertime.

The animals, be they yak, beef or veal, are brought by the farmers themselves to the nearby slaughterhouse of the Mark butchery in Lunden, Schiers. There or at Urs Vetter in Fideris the meat is processed further. You see, here too we work together with and support companies in the Prättigau.

Our pork comes from pigs from the Realta justice and penal institution in Domleschg. The butcher Mark picks up the pig in Realta and drives it to Lunden.

The Heuberge Heroes

The animals come from the following farmers:

The farm of the Niggli family is located in Fideris at 900 m above sea level. They run an organic farm. Niggli’s have a suckler cow herd of about 17 Limousin cows with calves as well as 1 to 2 rearing cattle. The herd is accompanied all year round by their Limousin breeding bull. In summer, the animals enjoy the pastures on Alp Tarnutz in the Heuberg. In winter they spend their time in the modern free-range stable with an outdoor run. The animals are supplied only with hay and grass silage from our own farm. Breeding in the suckler cow herd is a natural way of keeping the animals, which optimally takes into account their well-being and health. The calves stay together with their mothers and feed mainly on mother’s milk, later also on hay and grass. The delicate Limousin breed, the natural husbandry and feeding make the meat juicy, well marbled and aromatic. The calves are slaughtered at about 9-10 months. We sell the Natura Beef directly from the farm. The meat is portioned and packaged in mixed packages ready to cook. In addition to the farm, the family runs a contracting business. They press and wrap round bales. Beat and his father Hans-Martin can be found behind the wheel of our Heubergbuses in winter. You can recognize Hans-Martin by his suspenders.

On the Stapfa in the beautiful Gafiental, “behind the moon, on the left”, which St. Antönien is also called, stands the farm of the Engel family. At Schorsch you can book an overnight stay in a Mongolian yurt from mid-June to the end of October. The Engel family keeps dairy cows as well as young cattle of the Original Brown Swiss breed and a small herd of Yaks (Tibetan highland wrestlers). They cultivate 24 hectares of land according to Bio Suisse guidelines. When Schorsch is not in the hay mountain, you can find him in St. Antönien, on the way to his “Holzzogglä”. In winter Schorsch is also the driver’s boss of our bus drivers in the red speedsters.

Further information:


Ueli Gartmann has a farm, ia ia oh! Ueli’s farm is in Jenaz. On his farm on “Lengwiis” he keeps 14 dairy cows and 8 calves. Ueli cultivates 18 hectares of land, two of which are in the beautiful hay mountain. “Uelmut”, as he is often called in our mountain, is our helpline. Ueli has an open ear for everyone and loves to talk on the phone. After work in Heuberg he goes directly to “dä Gadä” and the same goes before work starts in the morning. Ueli can be found as long as there is snow, either on a lift mast or around the lifts.

Our products

Regional and homemade