Der Schlittelweg ist bis nach Fideris befahrbar. Die Liftanlagen sind geöffnet. Am Mittwoch, dem 12.02.2025 kann es auf Grund eines Events zwischen 09:30 Uhr und 10:30 Uhr zu längeren Wartezeiten an der Fideris Sägerei kommen.

Jetzt buchen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Falls Ihre Zimmerkategorie online nicht buchbar ist, kontaktieren Sie uns unter info@heuberge.ch.



For safety off the slopes

The hills of the Fideriser Heuberge may seem harmless. Nevertheless, avalanches and snow slabs can also occur here, which can be triggered by touring skiers, freeriders and snowshoe hikers.

For your safety

These points must be observed

  • Find out about the current avalanche bulletin of the Swiss Avalanche Research Institute SLF. The bulletin can be downloaded under the following link: Link Lawinenbulletin
  • The avalanche bulletin is posted in Arflina for information purposes. On request we can also print it out for you.
  • Inform relatives about your tour plans, or inform the reception about this
  • Do not choose routes you are not familiar with, otherwise join an experienced guide or mountain guide.
  • Go on tour properly equipped. 
  • Take an avalanche transceiver with you and turn it on properly.
  • Only go on tour with a complete equipment
  • Avoid steep slopes

For more information on the correct equipment and behaviour, please follow this link: Link Broschüre Lawinengefahr bfu. Please also note the following points regarding emergencies: Link Notfälle bfu

Tips on what to do in an emergency: