Wir freuen uns, Sie ab dem 1. Juni 2024 zu unserer Sommersaison begrüssen zu dürfen.

Jetzt buchen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Falls Ihre Zimmerkategorie online nicht buchbar ist, kontaktieren Sie uns unter info@heuberge.ch.



Our environment is important to us

In the Heubergen we attach great importance to a good connection to nature.

But having the privilege of experiencing the beauty of nature so closely also means acting responsibly and keeping an eye on the other creatures with whom we share our habitat. 

On the following pages you will find further information


Enjoy the beauty of winter nature in the Heubergen


This is how we take care of our environment in winter in the Heubergen


We ask our guests to handle the game rest areas with care in winter


Highly nature-loving