Momentan befinden wir uns in der Betriebspause. Die Wintersaison beginnt am 21.12.24. Das Berghaus Arflina ist vom 12. - 15. Dezember geöffnet. Bei guten Schneeverhältnissen wird auch der Schlittelweg geöffnet sein. Am Donnerstag und Freitag finden Bergfahrten nur mit Anmeldung und ab 6 Personen statt. Am Sanstag, 14.12. und Sonntag, 15.12. fahren unsere Busse nach Fahrplan.

Jetzt buchen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Falls Ihre Zimmerkategorie online nicht buchbar ist, kontaktieren Sie uns unter info@heuberge.ch.



We're rethinking!

Heuberge is a company firmly rooted in the local tradition. But at the same time, we have a great openness to new solutions and ways of thinking. In this way we would like to gradually steer our company in a more ecological and sustainable direction.

It is important to us to be in harmony with the nature that surrounds us. At the same time we want to offer our guests unforgettable stays with the comfort of modern civilization.

We are already planning various events and networking with start-ups and innovators who see the potential in our vision of the future and want to support us in this. At the same time it is a great chance for still untried ideas, because we offer an open playing field and are open to try out unusual things.

Are you interested in sharing your idea with us, collaborating and creating new unexpected possibilities? No dream is too crazy for us!

Feel free to contact us and let us know what inspires you.

Open-minded thinkers and visionaries

Rethinking together in the Heuberge